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Home - Metal-oxide Pigments:C.I.C.P

Metal-oxide Pigments:C.I.C.P

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  • product code: FEATURES Product Name: Metal-oxide Pigments:C.I.C.P Product Code: mopcıcp58 Category: Inorganic Pigments Subcategory: Metal-oxide Pigments:C.I.C.P Metal oxide pigments for Paint and Polymer; nickel antimony titanate and chrome antimony titanate yellows manganese antimony browns copper chromite blacks blacks that reflect infrared cobalt aluminate and cobalt chrome aluminate blues cobalt chromite and cobalt titanate greens, iron titanate and iron chromite browns cobalt phosphate and manganese phosphate violets, Paint and PVC Sun rays for window profiles and PVC Siding ARCTIC, which keeps the material cool by reflecting Pigments, FDA Approved, ELV – RoHS – WEEE compliant pigments.